Parenting plans. Parenthood Charter. Effective communication between parents. Do these expressions relate to you?

If this is the case, it’s probably because you think it is in your children’s best interest for you to have a good relationship with your former spouse –your children’s parent. Obviously, it is easier said than done. Nevertheless, many resources are available for you.

Moreover, with the entry into force of the new Code of Civil Procedure, it is now mandatory for parents to participate, together or separately, at a briefing on parenting and mediation if you want your case to be heard in front of a court.

Beyond the fact that these sessions are required, they can be useful to you! Hence, you will put all the odds in your favour in order for your separation to be made in the best interest of your children.

The mediation session is presided by two qualified family mediators; one from the legal and the other from the psychosocial domain. The meeting is divided into three parts: the psychosocial aspects of parenting after the separation, the useful legal information and the family mediation.

The sessions will cover in particular the psychological shock of separation of spouses, as well as the reactions and needs of the children. It will also provide effective communication tools between parents. Your family reorganization will be easier since you will be able to further target your needs, those of your former spouse and your children’s. You will have a better understand of your rights, obligations and responsibilities, in order for you to make an informed decision.

In addition, the session on parenting after the separation is a very useful and crucial step prior to the sessions in family mediation with your ex-spouse in order to address concretely the consequences of your separation. Indeed, you will already have the knowledge of the nature, objectives and the process of family mediation. Furthermore, you will be more understanding towards each other, as well as being informed about the needs of your children. Therefore, the discussion will be orientated towards the real issues and your future.

The parents mustn’t forget that it is not the separation in itself that is harmful, but how the parents manage the consequences of their divorce and rearrange their new family reality that is!

The session of two and a half hours on parenting after separation is free in several courthouses in Quebec. Call 1-800-536-5140 to register.

For more information:

Text written by Me Nancy Drolet / Translated by Andrey Leshyner